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Our Corporate Plan 2023-26
Read our Corporate Plan, learn what we’re about and the type of organisation you could be working for. It contains our vision to build a stronger, safer, and kinder borough for everyone and our vision has six values that are role modelled by our staff:
- creating a compassionate and inclusive council
- building shared prosperity
- doing things with residents, not to them
- taking pride in H&F
- being ruthlessly financially efficient
- rising to the challenge of the climate and ecological emergency
Hammersmith & Fulham is changing rapidly and we’re determined to seize opportunities for everyone. We are home to a diverse community and rich cultural heritage with excellent transport links and a vast array of experiences and entertainment for commuters, visitors and residents to enjoy.
Our workforce is one of our greatest assets, and Our People is a strategy that sets out our clear commitment to developing our staff to achieve our ambition to be the best. We invest in our staff and offer development programmes to all who are seeking to progress their careers and develop career pathways here at the council.